Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Episode 23 A Spring in Your Step

In this Episode the focus is on the Spring Festival. We'll discuss:

What I've Been Doing in Game
Headlines from LOTRO.com
The Spring Festival
LOTRO Machinama from Lunna the Burg

Check out Lunna's video at:


Check out the poll and tell me how you enjoy LOTRO's Festivals

Also leave a response to this question in the show notes:

Have you ever done a quest that didn't 'fit' your character?



  1. Elahndria Of LandrovalMarch 31, 2010 at 3:46 AM

    Great Job on the show... Just have one complaint, the audio volume is way low... hard to hear you... started noticing this with the mini cast on Gondor. Keep up the good work..

  2. Elahndria

    Thank you for the heads up on the sound. I will try to fix that in the next episode.


  3. Nice job
    I am an vid listener to your pdcast and i really enjoy how you intertwine the lore with the game, it as been a real educational journey for me. I have also started my own Blog on lotro and I hope you get a chance to visit it one day. keep up the awesome Job!
    thanks Saks
    The Uruk Hunter

  4. Nice podcast I like your overview of the spring festival. Being an on and off player for the last few years what other festivals does Turbine offer in game and how do they compare with the current festival.

  5. I believe there are four long festivals, one for each season, and a few day or weekend long festivals for things like Bilbo/Frodo's birthday, International Speak Like a Pirate Day, April Fools, etc...


  6. Great job as always, Alberos!

    Thanks for the shoutout.
