Friday, February 27, 2009

Dev Interview Critical Success!

Hello, everyone!

The developer interview went spectacularly! Thanks to all of you who submitted questions! There is a ton of information, ranging from news on new content for the middle levels to what book 7 (and book 8!) may have in store for us.

That episode is going to be released on time this Wednesday probably in the morning (I don't set an exact time of the comes out when I finish it, heh). I still haven't decided if I'm going to put it all in one episode...there is a lot info to digest.

See you all on Wednesday!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Upcoming Dev Chat....

Hey, all!

I have been alloted up to 1 hours of time with Rowan this Friday...I was wondering how you guys wanted the information to be presented.

Would you rather have one long episode with the whole episode, or two episodes with half of the interview each. As of now, I'm leaning towards having two episodes [means less work for me in the long run ;)]. Let me know what you think!



Saturday, February 21, 2009

LOTROCast Now on the Zune Marketplace

Hello, all!

Again, sorry to have a string of very close together posts. I just wanted to let you all know that the LOTROCast is now availible on the Zune Marketplace. Just do a search for LOTROCast and you will find it.

As of now, it looks like the release date for Episode 3, featuring an exclusive interview with the dev Rowan, will be released on Wednesday, March 4th.

I'll keep in touch!


Friday, February 20, 2009

LOTROCast is now on iTunes/Chicken Run Update

Thanks so much to all who have downloaded this months podcast. Within 48 hours, there have already been more than three times the downloads of "The Wall," than the pilot!

We are now up and running on iTunes...if you have been trouble acessing the episodes and you are an iTunes person, you can certainly subscribe there. I submitted it to the Zune Marketplace a while ago, but they haven't finished processing it. I will keep you all updated on the Zune situation.

There is a thread Chicken Run sponsored by Element Zero on the European Forums. You can find it here.

Thanks for listening!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Developer Interview Secured!

Hey everyone! I just got some spectacular news! I have secured an interview with a LOTRO Developer for my next episode!

If you ever had a question you wanted to ask a dev, let me know and I will see if I can incorperate it!

Stay tuned for more information.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Episode 2 - The Wall Shownotes

Episode 2 – The Wall Shownotes

Link to the Podcast RSS feed: Episode two is called “The Wall.”

I have a new email address dedicated to this podcast. Predictably enough, the address is If you wish to contact me, feel free to email me there.

Hello, everyone! It’s time for Episode Two of LOTROCast. In this episode, we take an in-depth look at the dev’s X-Fire chat, then take a look at what’s going on in the servers (there are some very, very interesting things happening, so make sure you stay tuned at least to that).

The emphasis of this episode is on the fabled “30 Wall.” I sit down with Merrylady, a player who has recently come across the wall and we discuss what it is and how it could be fixed. Don’t know what the wall is? Then make sure you listen to this episode of the LOTROCast.

I need to note that this episode is in stereo, so to get the most out of it I would make sure you use a stereo setup to listen.

I also tried out a new method of recording interviews with this episode. PLEASE let me know if you feel the quality of the interview (sound wise) declines with this new method.

Turbine News:

Here is a link to transcript of the dev X-fire chat. It shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to read if you have the motivation.

Server Rundown:

To get more information about the Chicken Run on the Snowbourn, sponsored by Element Zero, contact Ranka or Honvik on that server. Their kin website is here It will be at 7:30 GMT on February 25th. The winner will get 20g!

Here is the Arkenstone Observer. READ THIS. You will not regret it.

Here is a link to the Firefoot Kin Awards.

Here is a link to more information on the Bounders of the Shire Fish Fry.

In Depth Look: The Wall

I’m not going to include too much information here on the wall, it is really more of a personal thing; you either hit it or you don’t. Just to help convince you out there who absolutely don’t believe in the wall, here is an example of a victim of it. While you can get out of it, as we discuss in the episode, this user had to go all the way to the forums to get things settled.

If you have thoughts and/or feelings on the discussion we had, please leave it as a comment so I can incorporate into a future episode.

Looking Ahead:

Our next episode of LOTROCast will be a focus on PvP. Look for that at the start of March. After that episode, I am looking to do an in-depth segment with sort of an emphasis on a “New Player Survival Guide,” new player defined as someone who has not yet reached level 20 who has never played the game before. If you have tips or tricks that you would like shared (things that you wish you had known then but didn’t, or just tips for new players), please pass them along in an email to, or leave them here as a comment. I am looking for both written comments and short sound-bite interviews. Let me know if you are interested in either!

Thanks for listening!


Episode 2 On the Way

Hello, Everyone!

Just a quick note to thank all of you who have given me feedback.

I also want to let you know that Episode 2 of Lotrocast: The Lord of the Rings Online Podcast will be released on Thursday, Ferbruary 19th, so stay tuned!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Episode 1 -- Pilot Shownotes

Welcome to LOTROCast, the Lord of the Rings Online Podcast.

You can find the episode here. You can also subscribe to the LOTROCast feed here. Just pick your favorite podcast program (mine is Zune) and copy/paste the URL into it.

Please, please, please comment on what you hear. Please comment if you want to contribute or if you have ideas for the following shows. I have the next two or three episodes in production already, but new ideas are ALWAYS apprecieated.


Here is the story at about general growth in the MMORPG industry, including LOTRO and WoW.

Here is Rugzug's idea for a Creep NPC area. I will have a full episode on PvP comming soon.

Here are some details about the weekly PvP events on the Windfola server.

And here the Watcher breaks out of solitary confinement and rampages through the 21st Hall.